COMMUNION OF SAINTS 474 Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded 8. 7. 8. 7. 4. 7. Ps. 125: 2 Thomas Kelly, 1806, cento Zion Thomas Morely, †1891 by Thence thee un Friend forth faith pow’r bring friend kept to to on, more ful di bright, prove, vine; stands hu Zi nace man by the fur 3 In 2 ev 1 Zi ’ry on prove per round thee, ish, ed, God tie hills may may sur in last arms His re com art and the cious at in pre earth world All Moth But sight. move; bine. nev cease foes cease own be er their shall can ers her thee; ish, ed Thou Heav’n Though to to con love cher found thee, es on, at a thine Can God, What Hap is no Zi chang with But God py men. love. Light. A lot ho last fa tend ev vored Je er is vah’s ing thine!